We have available to us a whole range of products designed to meet your every need.
Thanks to their versatility, our systems can be adapted to any installation:
- Coal boilers, fuel-oil, biomass, black liquor, etc.
- Balanced draft or pressurized (with assistance of air seal).
- Blowing fluids: steam, compresed air or water.
- Mechanical opening and closing of the valve.
- A diaphragm, installed between the flange and the conterflange of
the valve block, allows the pressure and flow of blowing fluids to be
controlled using preset values.
- Adaptable to any explosive atmosphere, in accordance with
international regulations.
- Ease of assembly. Quick and simple installation.
- Our systems are naturally robust, and do not need special
precautions for their handling.
- All systems can be provided with a removable auxiliary drive for
the manual extraction of the lance tube in case of a failure of
geared motors.
Also, we provide complete post-sale support, able to carry out the installation of our products shoulder to shoulder with our clients, as well as carrying out maintenance inspections and consultations in order to guarantee that our equipment functions correctly and is maintained in full working order.
C/ Albadalejo, 4 - Bajo 26
28037 - Madrid (Spain)
Tel.:+34 91 012 80 28
Móvil: +34 646 11 30 64
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